Re: Roe V. Wade. So Clear Even a Misogynist Can Understand.

Allow me to message to my fellow men.

Women don’t want your opinion.

They don’t need your perspective.

They are not asking for permission or approval.

You don’t know what it is like to be pregnant, or have a period, or be faced with the crumbling of your life because the quarterback took it too far.

You don’t know what it is like to be judged for having sex because as a man, you get to be called a stud, while she gets to be called a slut.

You don’t know the terrors of uterine cancer or the ravages of menopause. You don’t know what it is like to feel that every decision your make is destined to be criticized by virtue of being a woman. You don’t know what it is like to be terrified of an uncle or a family friend that “comes” into your room, or someone waiting for you in the parking garage.

They only need one thing from you, and one thing only:

They need you to understand that you have no rights, assignment to, or control over any part of their being.